Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnancy Symptoms

The following symptoms indicate that you may be pregnant.

  1. The most common symptom is a missed period. However, there are other signs to look out for.
  2. Nausea, also known as morning sickness, can strike at any time of the day.
  3. Tender, swollen breasts. Hormonal changes may make your breasts sensitive or sore.
  4. Increased urination. Pregnancy increases the amount of blood in your body, causing your kidneys to process extra fluid that ends up in your bladder.
  5. Fatigue. During early pregnancy, levels of the hormone progesterone soar, which can make you feel sleepy.
  6. Food aversions or cravings. Certain foods may make you feel sick, or you may find you crave different foods.
  7. Mood swings. Hormonal changes can trigger a roller-coaster of emotions.

If you’re experiencing one or more of these symptoms, you might be pregnant. But remember, they can also be signs of other health conditions, which is why it is vital to confirm pregnancy early with an accurate pregnancy test that is read by a medical professional at Verity PMC.

Remember, it’s okay to feel nervous or uncertain. Every journey starts with a first step, and Verity is here to help.

Call: 479-445-6070

Positive Pregnancy Test

Positive Pregnancy Test

Positive Pregnancy Test

If you’ve taken a home pregnancy test and received a positive result, it’s important to consider that it might not be accurate.  We invite you to our center for a more definitive laboratory-quality urine pregnancy test which we offer at no cost to confirm your pregnancy. At Verity Pregnancy and Medical Resource Center, our tests are designed for high accuracy, and our staff is equipped to offer both support and guidance during this pivotal moment in your life.

Should you discover that you are pregnant, you do have many choices. An ultrasound can tell you approximately how many weeks you are into the pregnancy and may aid you in making this important decision.

We recognize that every woman’s journey is distinct, at Verity our aim is to deliver individualized care and support tailored to your needs.  Our client advocates can offer information and resources that align with your unique circumstances.

At Verity we are committed to maintaining confidentiality, offering immediate assistance, and ensuring our services are accessible without any financial burden. It’s our belief that every woman deserves the right to comprehensive, accurate information and support, especially when facing an unplanned pregnancy.

After confirming your pregnancy, you’ll be presented with various choices. Verity provides in-depth information about all these options, including parenting, adoption, and abortion. We stand by you, regardless of the path you choose, offering support and guidance every step of the way. We encourage you to Call: 239-433-1929, or visit: our center at: 8890 Salrose Lane, Suite104, Fort Myers, Florida,

All Services are free and confidential.

Call: 479-445-6070

Medication Abortion Information

Medication Abortion Information

Medication Abortion Information

When considering purchasing medication abortion pills through the mail, it’s crucial to be aware of certain factors that can impact your health and safety.

Your health and wellbeing are our number one priority at Our Pregnancy Center.

There’s a chance that you may experience a natural miscarriage, or you could potentially have an ectopic pregnancy. Alternatively, your pregnancy may have advanced beyond ten weeks since your last menstrual cycle. An ultrasound at Our Pregnancy Resource Center can determine whether either or all these conditions apply. All our services are free and confidential.

Taking abortion medication increases the following risks and may require medical intervention:

  • Incomplete abortion resulting in a second, surgical abortion.
  • Heavy persistent bleeding and anemia (especially with ongoing blood loss) .
  • Persistent Gestational Sac, with no cardiac or heart activity.
  • Profuse Bleeding due to blood clots or pregnancy tissue fragments.
  • Ongoing pregnancy due to drug and method failure.
  • Orthostatic hypotension (extreme drop in blood pressure).

After the first abortion pill has been taken, some women regret taking it and wish to reverse it. The effects of the abortion pill can be reversed; however, time is of the essence. Contact Our Pregnancy Center for more information about this process.

Ordering medication abortion online comes with additional risks:

  • Consumers who obtain medication online may put their health at risk because the products, while being marketed as authentic, may be counterfeit, contaminated, expired or otherwise harmful.
  • It is difficult to determine the doctor’s credentials who is providing the pills should the medication impact you negatively at a physical, psychological, or emotional level.
  • Medication may arrive with incorrect or incomplete dosage and instructions, leading to overdose and death.
  • In taking an abortion pill from an online source you will have no verification that the tissue has passed after the abortion. Retained tissue can lead to dangerous and potentially life-threatening infections. An additional surgical abortion could be required, adding to the costs and risks of the process.

Medication abortion can cause intense pain, with reported pain levels reaching seven to eight out of ten. At Our Pregnancy Center, we provide preliminary medical services including an ultrasound to determine the viability of your pregnancy. If you’re considering medication abortion, make an appointment with us for vital information and support to make the best decision for yourself.

Your health and well-being matter. Trust our professionals to prioritize your safety and provide comprehensive care.

Call: 246-810-1214

Visit: to make an appointment, or stop by our center at: 1234 Caroline Lane, Suite 104, Tampa, Florida, 35411

All Services are free and confidential.

Call: 479-445-6070